Have a friend of yours ever came to you sad and frustrated over a certain matter asking for advice? You’re there nodding, listening as she pours out all the unfortunate events that she’s dealt with? In the midst of listening, you catch yourself thinking “damn, if only she could see how easily obtainable the solution to her problems are.” Well, that’s because you have a bird’s eye view of the scenario. You hear what happened from start till end without a blanket of emotions clouding your better judgement.
I was that sad and frustrated friend at one point. I kept ranting and crying about the same petty matter day in and day out. All over again and again. At the time, my problems seemed relevant. They seemed important. That’s because I still cared. I still had a strong emotional bond towards what’s bothering me. I gave it the power to control my mood and thoughts, hence why my decisions were always clouded. However, now that I’m over it, I finally see my predicament for what it really is and how irrelevant it was. That’s why you catch yourself thinking things like ‘lol i was so stupid’ or ‘damn..cant believe that bothered me so much’ whenever you flash back to a past event.
Its like when you’ve just taken a hot shower and looked into the foggy mirror, you can hardly see your reflection but one swipe of the hand and what you’re looking for is crystal clear.
Some things are simpler than they seem. However, it is made a hundred times harder due to your emotional bond to the matter. Basically, you are torn between listening to your head or your heart. You can’t choose both. Either your head or your heart, you set the other on fire.
Glad thats over for me. It was hella exhausting having two voices in your head.